Sisterly love

Sisterly love

Thursday, January 6, 2011

unassingned- Kentuckey

THE Begining
Me, Kaity, and Jess were stuck in the back of the van..

..while ben and David Hodge get to sit up front!
at the service meeting kaity was taking a picture and i turned my head and looked at her. you also see Abby and Kim and Leah and her mom Don.

this is before we went swimming

the last night. we ate at a brother and sisters house

me and my little boy (i cant remeber his name!!)


  1. pictures during the meeting for service?! shame, shame. but I love the look on your face. ... 8-/ ...kind of like that...:P

  2. Oh my goodness it looks like you had so much fun!! That is one of my goals- to do unassigned territory. I think it would be AMAZING!
    Oh, and I love that little boy, what a cutie!
    So do you have tons of amazing stories from when you went? I'd love to hear them!
    TTFN. Love, Livi

  3. ok, that's hilarious. We're on two different computers, not talking to each other, and we comment a minute apart. :D

  4. ha!! you both are hilarious! no we did actually take pictures during service except i wasn't in the groups with the cameras. i don't know how to add more to this post. HELP? oh and i had a funny experience where i gave my whole bible teach book presentation and he was really interested and as i was going to leave the book the man said that someone had stopped by yesterday and left one. I was so mad!!

  5. Okay I will try to help the best I can.. here goes.. If you're on this main page (where all the pics are) you click "New Post" (at the top of the page) then you can click "Edit Posts" and then it will take you to a page with a list of your posts. Whatever one you want to edit just click "Edit"! Then you can add pics or type or whatever you want. Then when you're done just click "Publish Post" okay so I hope that helps.

  6. Oh my goodness that is such a bummer that he already had the bible teach book! Well, actually, it's not necessarily a bummer for him but a bummer for you. Had to clarify that. ha, ha.
    Isn't it usually like that, though? at least for me it is, where you have this awesome call but come to find out someone else has already been calling on them. At least the territory is getting worked, right?
    Well I love your blog and love to see all your pics and stuff. Tell us if you need any more help! Love, Olivia
